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Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies for Kidney Stones or Renal calculi

Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies for Kidney Stones or Renal calculi

Homeopathic Remedies
Argentum nit.
 "Nephralgia from congestion of kidneys or passage of calculi." Dull aching in small of back and over bladder. Urine dark, contains blood or deposit of renal epithelium and uric acid: passed often and little at a time, in drops (Nephritic colic.) Urine burns while passing and urethra feels swollen. Face dark: dried-up look. Arg. nit. craves sweets and sugar, which disagree. Suffers from anticipation: hurry. Flatulent dyspepsia.
 Renal calculi with sharp, shooting pains. Come suddenly, crampy straining along ureter, during passage of calculus. Feverish and excitable. "Irritation and clutching and spasm where there are little circular fibres in small canals- as in gall-stones (which see) or in renal calculi." Bell. is red, and hot, and dry: hypersensitive,  especially to jarring. Bell. pains come and go suddenly.
Benzoic acid
 Nephritic colic with offensive urine.Urine deep-red, of strong odour:-dark brown; smells cadaverous, putrid. Urine alternately thick like pea-soup, then clear like water.   But patient feels better when urine is profuse, thick and offensive: suffers in joints-heart- when it is clear and scanty. Highly intensified urinous odour.

 "Excellent remedy for renal calculi." Pains shoot: radiate from a point . Cannot make the least motion: sits over to painful side for relief. Sharp, darting pains following ureter and extending down into legs. Pains run up into kidneys and down into bladder. Formation of little calculi like pin-heads in pelvis of Kidney, start to go down to bladder, with great suffering. "You will be astonished to know how quickly Berberis will relieve this particular colic." "Anything that is spasmodic can be relieved instantly.'-Kent. Burning and soreness, lumbar, in region of kidneys. Cannot  bear any jar : has to step down carefully. Urine dark, turbid, with copious sediment: slow to flow:  but constantly urging. May be associated with biliary calculi.
Calcarea carb.
Gravel: urinary calculi. In a Calc. patient: chilly: cold sweating feet: sweating face:   head sweats at night. Often fat, flabby and weak. Lethargic. Longs for eggs.

 One of the best remedies during the paroxysms of renal colic. Pain and excitement found in no other remedy. Pains lancinating, cutting, stabbing like knives, shoot off in
different directions. Burning pain, with intolerable urging to urinate. Tenesmus. Sits and strains and gets no relief. "if he could only pass a few drops more urine (or a little more bloody stool) he would get relief: but no relief comes. Intolerable urging, before, with and after urination: violent pain in bladder" (Cystitis). Thirst, with aversion to all fluids. "The burning pain and intolerable urging to urinate point to Canth. in all inflammatory diseases of others parts."
Chimaphila umb.
 Constant pain in region of kidneys. Fluttering sensation in kidneys. Catarrh of bladder caused by stones. Smarting pain from neck of bladder to end of urethra.  Great quantities of thick, ropy, bloody mucus in urine. Urine colour of green tea. Queer symptom: feels as if sitting on a ball. Worse damp weather: washing in cold water.
Hydrangea Has been used for the intense pain of gravel and calculus. Relieves distress from renal calculus, with soreness kidney region and bloody urine. "The thirstiest plant known (diabetes).
Hydrastis  Dull aching in kidney region. Intense pain in left ureter. Frequent, scanty urination, with burning at the end of it. Thick, ropy, mucous sediment in urine.
Ipomea nil.  For the passage of stone from kidney to bladder: with severe cutting in either renal region, extending down ureter. Pains excite nausea.
Lachesis  Stitches in kidneys, extends down through ureters. Pain in left lumbar region. Pain and tenderness left iliac region, intolerance of pressure. Lifts clothing from abdomen. Extremely sensitive to touch: especially about throat and abdomen. Left side ailments. Worse for sleep: worse on waking: sleeps into an aggravation.
Lithium carb.  Kent's Repertory gives Lith. in black type for renal calculi. Curious symptom, "Pains in heart when urinating: when bending over." Heavy deposits, urine; dark, reddish brown. Soreness and sharp sticking pain right side of bladder.
Lycopodium  Usually right-sided. Pain extends along ureter and ends in bladder: not down leg.  Back-ache, > by urination. Lithic acid in urine. Red sand in clear urine.  Characteristics of Lyc. Desire for sweets and hot drinks. All symptoms < 4-8 p.m. Hunger: but fullness after a little food. Distension, must loosen clothing.
Nitric acid.  Urinary calculi when the urine contains oxalic acid: and for oxalic acid calculi. Fetid urine of intolerable odour: or smells like horse's urine. May feel cold as passed. Typical Nit. ac. craves salt and fats. Has "splinters" pains: < touch.
Nux vomica Indicated in renal colic when one kidney (especially the right is the seat of the disease. Pains extend to genitalia and down leg, with nausea and vomiting. Renal colic, especially when each pain shoots to the rectum and urges to stool. "Must strain to urinate: bladder is full and urine dribbles away;
Ocimum can Renal colic where there is considerable haemorrhage. Urine has brick-dust sediment and considerable blood. Clarke says, "Used in Brazil as a specific for diseases of kidneys, bladder, and urethra." "Renal colic with violent vomiting every fifteen minutes: wrings the hands and moans all the time." Urine "saffron colour; or thick purulent, with an intolerable smell of musk."
Pareira brava Renal colic. Excruciating pain radiates from left kidney to groin: follows course of ureter. Excessive pain in Kidneys, shoots down left ureter; urine passes drop by drop with violent tenesmus, nausea, vomiting of bile. Constant urging to urinate: pain extorts screams. Must go down on all fours to urinate. Almost touches floor with forehead in order to be able to pass urine. With tearing, burning pains at point of penis. Copious sediment of uric acid and blood. Thick, stringy, white mucus, or red sand.
Phosphorus Dull pain in renal region. Renal calculi: congestive and inflammatory symptoms, withpurulent, chalky or sandy sediment. Phos. craves cold food: ices: salt. Can't lie on left side. Fear of thunder. darkness.
Sarsaparilla Excruciating neuralgia of the kidneys. Renal colic. Passes gravel: vesical calculi. Tenesmus: extreme pain at conclusion of urination: yells with pain :-or urine passes without sensation. "White sand in scanty, slimy or flaky urine, or red sand in clear urine"-Nash. Renal and vesical calculi.Kent says, "This medicine has many times dissolved a stone in the bladder; it so changes the character of the urine that it is no longer possible for the stone to build up, and it grows smaller by continually dissolving off from the surface." Curious symptom, "Urine only passes freely when standing."
Silicea  Renal and vesical calculus. Involuntary discharge of urine after urination. Constant urging. Nightly incontinence. Sil. is a weakling mind and body: "lacks grit." Worse cold feet: damp feet: checked sweat. Often, offensive foot-sweat: or (?) suppressed.
Tabacum Pains down the ureter, with deathly sickness and cold sweat. Nausea with burning heat in abdomen the rest of the body being cold. Patient persists in uncovering the abdomen. Such sickness suggests Tab. in renal colic.