
Probitro Homeo Hall Probitro Homeo Hall Probitro Homeo Hall

Female Infertility

Homeopathic remedies for Female Infertility

Mrs. Naznin, Age 35 yrs. 

U.S.G. dated- 20.5.2004 Hepatospleenomegaly. Bulky uterus & multiple fibroid uterus. Uterus – Antevated in position bulks in size about 8.5 cm in length. Two hypo-echoic fibroids size (11 mm & 31 mm) are present at fundus.
Large Hypo-echoic fibroid 43 mm diameter is present in left side lower part body of the uterus. Another small fibroid 15 mm diameter is present in right side.

Present Complaints –  

Pain in lower abdomen extending to upper abdomen, stitching pain, burning > pressure, rubbing.
Menses – Timely – thin, watery, last 2 days.
Before menses – Camp like pain in abdomen, back & leg > movement cold, cold drinks.
During menses -Pain decrease.
After menses-O.K.
Leucorrhoea – thin, watery, sticky
Swelling in lower back
Headache – Forehead extending to the vertex, pain is better by cold washing.

Appetite- Decreased- likes salty things.
Thirst Increased- cold water, even in winters.
Stool not clear- once.
Urine – Burring, yellow.
Sleep – Increased.
Temperament – Increased anger– expressive, irritable, mental tension of husband's second marriage, likes to be alone, weeping while narrating the case.
Hot patient.

Past Complaint-  

Jaundice – 2 times, last time 6 month back

Family History-   

Father-dead-Heart Attack
Mother-alive-Gall Bladder stone.

Analysis of the case-  
After taking the case history of the patient we came to the conclusion that the epicenter of the entire disturbance is THE GRIEF  (husband's second marriage).

Symptoms used for first prescription   – 

1. Grief of husband's second marriage (Kent's repertory, page50, Mind: Grief: PULSATILLA grade-1, Natrum Mur grade-1).
2. Weeping while narrating case history (Kent's repertory, page94, Mind: Weeping; telling of her sickness, when: PULSATILLA grade-1).
3.Menses scanty – changeable sometimes thin water and some times thick dark clotted    (Kent's repertory, page 725, Genitalia-Female: Menses; changeable in appearance- PULSATILA grade-1).Pain in back and legs > by movement, cold application    (Kent's repertory, page896, Back: Pain, motion on, amelioration: Pulsatilla grade-2)  (Kent's repertory, page 1075, Extremities: Pain, Leg; motion ameliorates: PULSATILLA grade-1)
(Kent's repertory, page 1075, Extremities: Pain, leg; cold application ameliorates: Pulsatilla grade-2)

First prescription –  

Pulsatilla 200 was given on 5.6.2004 two doses at 15 minutes interval followed by sack-lack four times a day just for the mental satisfaction of the patient.
Main reason for selecting Pulsatilla was the Grief of husband second marriage besides this the other symptoms selected above also indicates the remedy.

First Follow-up of the case-  

Patient came on 12.6.2004 there was reduction in pain & some improvement in weeping tendency, the same medicine was continued every week in the similar manner as stated above till 8.8.2004.

Second follow-up on 16.8.2004 -  

Patient came on 16.8.2004 with intense desire for extra salt, grief, great weakness and depression, so Natrum mur 200 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval.
Patient came on 23.8.2004 there was no pain, menses was normal, and desire for extra salt was reduced so the same medicine was continued till 17.12.2004.

Third follow-up on  27.12.2004-  
Patient came on 27.12.2004 with headache - forehead > cold application (Kent's repertory page 156 Head: pain, forehead; cold application ameliorates: Phosphorus grade-2) with intense thirst for large quantities of cold water, Phosphorus 1000 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval.

Second ultrasound – dated- 6/1/2005- Uterus – Is anteverted . Bulky and irregular in contour. Myometrium appears inhomogeneous and shows a hypo-echoic S.O.L. an posterio –lateral aspect of body –fibromyoma- size 6.4*4.6*4.3cm cavity appears normal Uterus size-8.9*5*8cm
Impression- Bulky Uterus with fibromyoma (subserous)
Patient came on 10.1.2005 with the ultrasound report, on comparing with the previous ultrasound as we can see there is great deal of improvement – two hypo-echoic fibroid (size 11mm & 31mm diameter) present at the fundus of uterus and small fibroid of 15mm size present in the right side of the body of uterus has disappeared , there was no headache and she was absolutely fine so the same medicine was continued.
The treatment is still continuing and patient is feeling normal.

Miss Savita, Age 38 yrs 

U.S.G. dated- 11.5.04 – Adnexae – Left adnexae show well-defined, cystic lesion with internal low level echoes, size measures 3.2 cm. Right is visualized. Normal

Present Complaints-  
Pain in lower abdomen– 2-3 month old. Neuralgic pain extending to chest, pulsating pain –increases and decreases gradually worse ascending, lifting weight, jar. Better by rest, passing flatus, rubbing.
Menses, early 8-10 days, last 10-12 days.
Menses dark maroon coloured with small clots.
Before menses –
Pain in abdomen –increases and decreases gradually better by rubbing aggravated by cold. Pain in abdomen accompanied by swelling in abdomen.
During menses-
Pain in abdomen with swelling.
After Menses-
Intense pain for a day before menses ceases.
Wart on axilla & back.
Burning in right lower abdomen > cold washing.
Leucorrhoea after menses – thick /thin, white like starch during urination.

Appetite- Normal likes salty things.
Thirst Increased.
Urine – dirty in colour and foul smelling.
Stool – Normal
Sleep –Normal.
Dreams of relative especially father & mother
Temperament – Increased anger – suppressed, mental tension, grief, weeps easily, nervous, like to be alone, think too much.
Extreme hot & cold.

Past Complaints- 
Typhoid – 4-6 yrs back and 5/6 yr of Age. – Allopathic Treatment.
Had fall – 6-7 years back – 2 times
Eczema on leg – black – wet, sticky discharge aggravated by salty thing relieved by cold washing, cold air– Allopathic treatment.
Gland on back

Family history – 
Father-dead-Koch's, Diabetes
Mother-dead- Liver cancer

Analysis of the case-  
After taking the case history of the patient we came to the conclusion that there are two things, which has to be brought in control first they are the pain & early – prolonged menses.

Symptoms used for first prescription-  
1.Menses, profuse last 10 days, dark maroon coloured, clotted.
2.Pain in abdomen better by rubbing  (Lotus Materia Medica by Robinmurphy Page-1111, Medorrhinum, Modalities- better hard rubbing).
3.Father diabetic & mother died of liver cancer.
4.Fibroids are sycotic in nature.

First prescription  
Medorrhinum 200 was given on 15.7.2004 two doses at 15minute interval followed by another two doses at 15minute interval the next week.

First follow-up –  
  The patient came on 31.7.2004 and reported improvement in bleeding & pain, the same medicine was continued as stated above. Since there was improvement in pain as well as bleeding so Pulsatilla was not given.

Second follow-up-
Patient came on 24.10.2004 with profuse bleeding of fresh blood & great weakness.
THUJA 200 two dose was given followed by CHINA 30 every 3hours for four days.

Third follow-up –  
Patient came on 28.7.2004 and said she is feeling ok, Medorrhinum 1000 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval every fifteen days interval.

Fourth follow-up –  
Patient came on 8.1.2005 with the sensation of a ball in the lower abdomen SEPIA 200 was given (Lotous materia medica by Dr. Robin Murphy. M.D. page 1597; Sensations as of a ball in inner parts)
Second U.S.G. – DT-8.1.2005- Normal scan.
The treatment was continued for another two month to remove the chance of reformation